Hi Ho Hi Ho it is off to shopping I go!

Monday, February 20, 2012 AnnMarie Brown 3 Comments

It is time to get my shopping list together for a quick shop to pick up the ingredients to make some Sweet & Salty Peanut Butter Bars. When I get ready to go shopping I look at the recipe I selected to see what ingredients that I need and started making my list. My husband also had a few things to add to the list that we must pick up. I always try to match the sales flyer with my coupons is possible to make sure I get the most savings for my dollar.

The list is made and the coupons are all matched up that I need to match up before we go shopping. Time to grab the keys for the van and head to Walmart.

The first thing I notice is the SPRING into low prices! signage.  Sometimes I look at the advertising and think seriously... we have snow on the ground and I have to think spring!

I couldn't help but notice the beautiful Easter colours. I love the pastel colours of Easter they are so pretty and refreshing not to mention renewing. I also couldn't help but notice the swimming suits.

As we were walking through Walmart we noticed a lot of toys on clearance on our way to the pharmacy section of the store. The one toy I noticed because I have to buy a Birthday gift for a sweet 6 year old.

As I made my way back to the pharmacy section of the store there it was on the bottom shelf Equal Sucralose for only $7.97. I really love the bright yellow packaging because it really stands out and makes it easy to spot.

The bags are all packed... and I am ready to head home to start baking our sweet and salty treats.

via Walamrt Meal Solutions App on Facebook
This is the recipe I have chosen from Walmart Meal Solutions app on facebook. If you haven't checked out this app I really think you should give it a try. You can search through the recipes and the app features a different recipe every day but still keeps all the other recipes on the app.

Double checking my ingredients before we start to make our treats. As you will notice the ingredients is Gluten Free because my middle daughter has Celiac Disease.

The syrup looks so great for the bars. Oh look at that doesn't it look delicious!

The bars look awesome!!!! I can not wait until they are chilled so we can cut them up and eat them. All my kids are waiting for them to be ready.

NOTE:  The bars are as good as the look... so YUMMY!

For more information on Equal please check out the following links:

Please check out my #EqualCanada shop on google+ story with even more photos of our delicious yummy treat!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias All opinions are 100% my own - as always.


  1. Those bars look so so delicious!! You are lucky to find the Yellow Canister. I did not find it and I want it so bad!! thanks for sharing
