A Shopping I will go... a shopping I will go...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 AnnMarie Brown 5 Comments

Sitting at my kitchen table preparing for my weekly shopping. Okay truth be told I try to go only weekly but usually end up there more often than weekly but not for a lack of planning on my part. We are doing our weekly shopping as well as baking some treats for my family. We have to be sure to pick up some Equal to do some baking this week, some sweet treats for our family.

Preparing to go shopping.  
Favourite spot to prepare to shop I actually really enjoy preparing to go shopping. I enjoy saving money even more. As you can see one of my staples for preparing to go shopping is the weekly sale flyers. I LOVE THEM! You can also see my coupon bag stocked full of coupons. I keep that close by as I prepare so I can match the sales with my coupons.  On the pad of paper I am making a list of what we need... what is on sale... and if I have a coupon for it and if I am price matching what store I am price matching it with so it is easy to do at the check out with out holding the line up. My other favourite spot to look for deals is a website I visit regularly which makes me matching my coupons to the flyers very easy... notice my laptop open to the thread.

Laptop open comparing my notes with online. 
I am not ready and prepared to head to my local Walmart Superstore for my weekly shopping trip. I decided to bring my 17 year old daughter with me so she could fully see how to price match and coupon properly so when she moves out next year she can also enjoy the benefits of this.

Snowing today as we venture into Walmart.
The wind was blowing a lot with the snow coming down as we got out of our van to go into Walmart today.
But when I am determined to go shopping no weather can keep me away.

Coupons, flyers and my purse in the cart ready for shopping. 
So here we are... we have our cart and we are off and running. I did get a little side tracked at first when I spotted this Denim Valentine's heart... how cute is this... (hint, hint to my husband)

Cute Denim heart
Okay back on track now off to get the Equal ... I have to say I love the new packaging ... I am not fond of the zipper bag closures some products are going to because half the time they don't work or they stop working before the bag is all gone. The container is so much easier to use in my opinion. (Note: Equal was found in the pharmacy section near the vitamins at my store.)

My cart is now full and I have purchased everything I needed to get for this shopping trip. With my daughters help today I was able to get everything and find everything I needed and I pretty much stuck to my list and sale items this week. Yeah me!

Full cart time to check out.
I love to organize my stuff at the cash to make checking out easier for both the cashier and myself. I keep all my coupon stuff until the end along with my price matched items. It works best for me and I think they appreciate it also. 

On the belt waiting to cash out!
In total I redeemed about $15.00 worth of coupons and that doesn't include my price matching for the day. And right now I have some wonderfully smelling banana bread in the oven made with Equal of course. My house is smelling lovely. 

For more information about Equal, visit their website or connect with Equal Canada on Twitter  #EqualCanada or like Equal Canada on Facebook.

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias All opinions are 100% my own - as always.


  1. I must take a look at price matching, you seem to do really well with it. Thanks for sharing your trip to WalMart and search for Equal. Enjoy that warm bread.

  2. Awesome couponing and price matching! I like how you snuck a hint for hubby in there too :D

  3. @Heather N

    I always sneak in a hint when I can. :) Now the funny part... I think it is cute but I don't like chocolate.

  4. Which website is that to compare prices?
    I need to do that, I hardly ever match, too time consuming!

  5. @Tammi @ My Organized Chaos

    Head over to Mrs Januarys site and under Canadian Coupon then Coupon Match Ups really saves a lot of time if you ask me.
