Christmas on a Shoestring ($100 Budget)

Friday, October 28, 2022 AnnMarie Brown 0 Comments

For the past two years, it seems as though all that is happening is prices are increasing at a very quick rate. It is hard to keep up with the day-to-day expenses without feeling the pinch. I know that we are not the only family feeling the economic turn. We have been told her locally that our hydro prices are going to go down effective November 1, 2022, but we shall see how that reflects with our monthly bills. 

Growing up there was times when money was very tight. My parents always made Christmas special. I learned from a young age that money is not required for making a truly magical Christmas. In fact, those can be the most memorable and joyful Christmases ever! I am writing this post in hopes that someone else might benefit from our hardships and joys. 

I know my family is not alone in their struggles financially not just at Christmas but all year round. Christmas seems to magnify those struggles even more because you always want to be able to provide your child/children with a Christmas to remember and in this day in age of so much consumerism it makes it difficult to get away from that. 

Almost 10 years ago we were hit with the news just before Christmas that our middle daughter was gravely ill and the expectations of her survival were definitely up in the air. I will let you all know now that she did survive and we are beyond blessed to have her still with us. When something like this happens you can't but not help to realign how you look at things. 



This year I spent some time going around looking at various stores' Christmas decor for inspiration. I had no intent on purchasing any of it but I wanted to get some ideas of how to decorate with what we already had at our house. Thankfully we have our tree because of my allergy to real trees we always put up an artificial tree. 


I have always found that the time we spend together playing games, baking, doing a movie night, or even just talking are the memories that last a lifetime for my family. 


Look around your house at the toys you purchased your children last year I bet very few of them are being played with now. I know over the years I have noticed that there were a few of the gifts we gave our children that they lost interest in very quickly. 

As a family we have decided to draw names for Christmas, it started with just our kids drawing names amongst themselves, and now my husband and I draw names with them. We make it a Secret Santa exchange with a set price limit of $40. To make this easier we email out a questionnaire for everyone to answer so that they have some idea of what the other person would like for Christmas.

Even this year I have not yet decided if I will be doing stockings for everyone. I might just do some of their favourite snacks in their stocking.


Even if you have limited resources it is the perfect time to start new traditions! Every Christmas eve we take a drive and look at the lovely Christmas lights while listening to Christmas music. I think keeping the traditions going is really important for us as a family and even creating some new ones that are fun. 


I have fond memories of making Christmas treats during the holidays. My children all love baking and helping me in the kitchen and creating different treats for us to enjoy over the holidays. 


No matter how little money we have we always make sure that we give what we can to others so our children know what is it like to give to others in need. Teaching your children to serve others is important. 

Every Friday I will be writing more about our $100 Shoestring Christmas and different things I have found to make and do with my family to make the Christmas season more memorable and fun. If you have any ideas you would like to share with my family of things you have found in the past that have helped you stay on budget for Christmas please feel free to share them with me and my readers.