Superbowl Snack and Shopping for Pepsi and Popcorn

Monday, February 06, 2012 AnnMarie Brown 0 Comments

On Saturday afternoon on the day before Superbowl... it was time to decide my menu for the Superbowl game like most sports fans in North America. So I pulled out my flyers... Shoppers was at the top of the list because #CBias was kind enough to offer me a blog post about Pepsi and ConAgra’s Orville Redenbacher Popcorn at Shoppers Drug Mart. Twist my arm ... blogging about my favourite Soft Drink and Popcorn how can one go wrong. Great combination if you ask me.

at my kitchen table planning my menu
A cool thing happened when I got into my van to head out to shop... my odometer was reading this... so I just had to snap a picture of course.

Odometer reading 101010
So I decided to head out in the evening again... why again because when I pulled up in the afternoon well let's just say my handie little camera was DEAD turns out it was just the battery so thankful that is all it was!

What a great time of day to go shopping for Pepsi at Shoppers Drug Mart it was even on sale!!! I love when things are on sale. My Superbowl menu was planned.. Nacho Dip, Spinach Dip, Pepsi and some Poppin' Popcorn Brittle from the Orville site.

via Orville
When I entered the store it was hard not to notice that it was indeed Superbowl weekend!

I couldn't help but notice the cute little Valentine's Day sock monkey. He is downright adorable. I think I might just make one of these this week. Shh! It is going to be a gift for someone I love bunches.

As my daughter and I went to the back of the store where they usually have the Pepsi... there it was...

Pepsi goodness
Let's just take a moment and gaze upon that pile of goodness! Oh my love of Pepsi... it truly is a love of mine.

loving the selection
As we continued to shop the store right near the checkout there it was Orville Redenbacher Popcorn... loving the selection we had to choose from... almost forgot our M&Ms for the recipe we were making but thankfully I had written it down so a last minute list check and it was complete.

Back home we pulled out all our ingredients to make our snack.

Now does that look beyond yummy! Just for the record it is yummy and was greatly enjoyed while we watched our NY Giants win the superbowl.


I hope everyone enjoyed the superbowl as much as we did... I loved it.. and really enjoyed the #PepsivsCoke twitter party I attended during the second half of the superbowl.

Please check out my google+ album with even more photos of our delicious yummy treat!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias All opinions are 100% my own - as always.

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