SOS Cuisine

Thursday, February 25, 2010 AnnMarie Brown 0 Comments

I came across the neatest website yesterday. It is not new by any means just new to me. I thought I would share it with fellow Canadians as this is the only one I know of like this here in Canada.

The site originates in Quebec and some of the reviews on the recipes are only in French there are some English but I think with more people using it then more English reviews will pop up so it will be easier for the french challenged to read the reviews.

I used to take hours cruising through all the websites of all the local grocery stores for their sales every week but not any more. SOS Cuisine does more than have the pricing all together in one spot it plans a menu complete with prep time and nutrition information and calculating the cost for the number of people for whom you cook. You can choose menu preferences such as budget, low calorie, and exclude certain foods. The site tracks what is on special at local supermarkets and chooses what recipes would be most economical to make each week. I also love the $1 max/serving recipes and often they are much cheaper than $1/serving.

Say you are out of just potatoes... you click on the SAVE MONEY Tab... and look down to potatoes and it will tell you who has the best deal on right now. Seriously isn't this cool!!!!

I will now share the website link: SOS Cuisine

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