My Goals for 2010

Tuesday, January 05, 2010 AnnMarie Brown 0 Comments

This post was a while in the making as I wanted to make sure that I really rested and meditated in my goals before posting them.

  1. Read through the Bible
  2. Grow more in trusting God and demonstrating that to my family
  3. More quiet time (rest, reflection and meditation)
  1. Plan a date night every other week
  2. Go to bed earlier every night and together
  3. Give my husband unconditional support with his job and education choices
  1. Begin family movie and game nights twice a month
  2. Pray for each child daily
  3. Reduce daily electronic time (TV, computer, video games)
  1. Lose weight
  2. work out on wii 4 times/week
  3. Take better care of myself
  1. Try not to buy new but buy new to us instead
  2. Use cash only (no debit card)
  3. Re-read The Complete Tightwad Gazette
  1. Find a homeschool schedule and routine that will work and implement it
  2. Use more hands on projects
  3. Be more focused and open to messy ideas
  1. Be more resourceful
  2. Try to find some inexpensive rain barrels
  3. Preserve as much fruit/veggies as I can
  1. Use my home management binder
  2. Purge often. Say no to clutter!
  3. Make a monthly to do list for house (update it monthly)
  1. Meal plan every week
  2. Re-organize kitchen to reduce counter clutter
  3. Learn to make:
  • crackers
  • pita bread
  • bread (again on my list)
  1. Use up scrapbook supplies (before purchasing more)
  2. Take a picture a day (maintain blog)
  3. Learn to knit socks
  1. Read one fun book per month
  2. Craft one day a week
  3. Wake up at 5:45am on weekdays

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