Blessings beyond belief...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 AnnMarie Brown 0 Comments

I have to say just how humbled and blessed my family has been in the last week. I can't even explain or put into words the love we have been feeling. It really has been teaching us some things. I have been wondering for a few months now how we were going to possibly celebrate Christmas at all with our family. I know Christmas is not about gifts it is about the birth of Christ and celebrating what he had done for us and being with family. I get all that but it does sometimes break my heart that we are unable to provide anything else.

I became very okay with the fact that we were not going to be giving gifts at all this Christmas but I was going to have a huge problem trying to explain that to my 5 year old. I asked the question on a local message board and the outpouring of love and support I got was beyond words. There are some pretty incredible people in this world and I am so blessed to call them my friends. They have been so supportive in so many ways.

I was blessed at a local fellowship time by being able to participate in the gift exchange that someone purchased the gift for me to participate in. Blessed! That is all I can say. Their are special people all around us. They are in our lives for a reason. They remind us just how blessed we are at the moments when we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders.

I was blessed again this past Saturday to be voted in by a group of my peers into a position well that I was totally shocked to have been nominated for let alone voted in. Truly a humbling moment. But still a blessing and looking forward to serving in this capacity.

My Christmas wish is for everyone to feel that love not just at Christmas but every day. Life does through us curves every now and then but know that you are never alone. Reach out to your friends they can be of great encouragement to you.


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