Wednesday and this week Wednesday is my Friday...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 AnnMarie Brown 0 Comments

My ramble for the week...

yep... it is true this week Wednesday is my Friday and is really seems strange to me. Meaning I have no more kids to look after this week. So so so strange. Tomorrow we will take the day off so to speak and Friday I might arrange a playdate for Shaylin with a friend from church.

So this week in review.

Monday - 2 children plus mine
Tuesday - 3 children plus mine
Wednesday - 2 children plus mine

it really worked out well and we were always very busy with outdoor play and cooking class, work sheets, learning about remembrance day etc. More about this on my homeschool blog.

I have been asked by a few people how I do it... keep up with my family, homeschool and childcare all under one roof and I will get into that more in another post by itself.

I can smell our dinner cooking, chicken smells really good. Chicken, rice and broccoli for dinner tonight... yummy!

My husband has an exam to write... I am guessing probably tomorrow. He said that he is almost ready to write it so I think he will be more than ready to write it tomorrow. He is doing really well with his online courses and I can't wait for him to be done in April/May 2010. It has been a long process.

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