Changing my focus...

Thursday, July 23, 2009 AnnMarie Brown 0 Comments

it is more than time to change my focus.

What is God calling me to do? How can I practically become His hands and feet to those in need?

God doesn't want me to be comfortable. He doesn't want me to be complacent. He wants to challenge me, He wants me to go places and live my life with Him. God has not called you or I to build our lives around the pursuit of our own selfish desires, but to be poured-out sacrifices for His kingdom.

In the past few years, God has challenged me at a whole new level about what it means to be a living sacrifice for Him. He has asked me to get uncomfortable with the things that used to comfort me. He has led my husband and I to adopt a baby girl with special needs who would need extra care and love and patience beyond words.

Looking to minister to others now just looking for the place to do this ....

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